Brithaney Renaee

Article by Kxng Rich

I was lucky enough to interview Brithaney Renaee when her rap career was just beginning to take off. At the time she was being managed by Eric "Mindset" Perry, and she was extremely focused on showcasing her high level of lyricism. If there's one thing Brithaney Renaee can do it's put words together. Yes, she has the looks to be a model, but trust me when it comes to making music Brithaney is both the beauty and the beast!

Brithaney Renaee hails from Port Arthur, TX which is a city that has never produced an elite female rapper before. She built her name up by releasing freestyle videos online showing listeners just how much of a monster she was. After she was disrespected by a local rapper from Beaumont, TX Brithaney seized the opportunity to record a freestyle diss response video where she spit over MGK's Rap Devil instrumental. Shortly afterward, she was featured on Killa Kyleon's mixtape "30 Days 30 Deaths 2." After this the speed at which Brithaney Renaee began to be recognized was unheard-of. She went on to work with artists such as Hotboy Turk, OTB Fastlane, & Huey

Brithaney Renaee's newest single "YGMFU" samples the popular Destiny's Child song "Bills, Bills, Bills." A bold move as rappers tend not to attempt to touch anything BeyoncĂ© had a hand in, but Brithaney definitely bodied this track. She also racked up over a million views on her Rap Economics freestyle. Brithaney Renaee recently posted snapshots on Instagram with Mannie Fresh so its a guarantee that she's working on bringing us something epic. So when it comes to Brithaney Renaee and her future in rap, in the words of Drake, if you're reading this it's too late!

Brithaney Renaee article written by Kxng Rich
{representative of Team Rich TV}

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