Teezo Touchdown

Article by Kxng Rich

Every city has a slew of artists that try their best to imitate what they believe is popular in music. We all know this. But if you dig through the dirt long enough, every once in a while you'll find a diamond. Well, Teezo Touchdown is definitely that diamond for Beaumont, TX. He's not the type of artist who makes what everybody else is making. In fact, Teezo has such a unique approach when creating music that it's hard to even classify exactly what genre of music he makes. I've known Teezo a long time, and I can tell you that he has always been on this path to super stardom.

Teezo Touchdown is a rapper, a singer, a producer, a writer, a rock star, a pop icon, a musical pioneer, a marketing genius, and he wears nails in his hair. Need I say more? Teezo Touchdown is just an entity that creates timeless art, and despite his upward trajectory, refuses to forget where he came from. 

Teezo recently released his first major studio album titled "How do you sleep at night?" Which only features 3 other artists; Janelle Monáe, Fousheé, & Isaiah Rusk. The album even received a favorable co-sign from Drake touting it as "Some of the best music ever. " Teezo was also recently featured on major albums "For all the dogs" by Drake, and "Utopia" by Travis Scott. He's also been featured on many major industry publications such as Rap Radar, Montreality, & Zane Lowe's Apple Music Show. Although it would seem like Teezo has accomplished everything a new artist would ever want, trust me, this guy is just getting started. 

Teezo Touchdown article written by Kxng Rich
{representative of Team Rich TV}

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